Hardy Orchid Society Conservation Grant 2023

The Hardy Orchid Society (HOS) promotes the conservation, cultivation, scientific study and sustainable enjoyment of the wild orchids of Britain, Europe and other temperate regions. HOS supports safeguarding wild orchid populations and preserving wild habitats for the benefit of present and future generations.

The Hardy Orchid Society Conservation Grants aim to encourage communities to incorporate orchid conservation work into their environmental initiatives by contributing a small sum to help protect and enhance wild orchids and their habitats. We plan to announce the award of one or more grants to a total value of up to £1,000 each within four weeks of the funding round closing date, which for 2023 is February 28th.


  • Funding is available for projects submitted by any kind of organisation including charities, community groups, schools, voluntary organisations, special-interest groups and individuals. 
  • In this 2023 funding round, projects must be entirely based within the UK. Domestic garden projects will not be considered.
  • Work must be ongoing or planned to commence within 12 months of the grant date.
  • HOS will consider providing additional funding to projects that have already secured commitments from other funding organisations provided that that funding will enhance the conservation outcomes. 
  • In any one funding round an applicant can make a single project application. Multiple applications by the same applicant will not be considered.

Successful applicants must agree to providing HOS with annual updates on progress until project work has been completed and a final summary of results has been submitted. Projects achieving good results may be recognised with an Award, and a HOS plaque may be provided for display on the site.

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